
Spiritual training regimen

It’s helpful to think of your path as a training regimen where each week you work on yourself more. Whether it’s a set schedule, what you’re feeling you need or a mixture of both. Some type of routine is very helpful in keeping on track. All of the different methods for heading deeper point towards the same direction. Which is different for everyone depending upon how deep you’re looking to go. The ultimate goal for true seekers is to reach enlightenment. This blissful state of being is a flow state that is only found in the present moment. 

Here are some examples of ways to deepen your path. 

Breathwork is one of the best methods to use. It’s the easiest way to get started with. It also leads well into any other modalities or stands on its own. 

Following breathwork with yoga to wring out the tension of the body. As you relax more you’re able to settle in deeper. Yoga unites, mind, body and spirit with your own higher power. At the end of your yoga practice. Use savasana (corpse pose) as a perfect segway into meditation. 

Every single thing that you do matters

There are many other methods you can use as well intertwined with these. This is just an example of 3 of the main methods you can use. 

Every single thing that you do matters.  So be mindful and listen from within.  These lessons are not of the mind they come from the heart. As you tighten up your process you’ll notice changes in all aspects of your life.  Each of these will add to your joy and ability to stay in the present moment. 

These methods are the traditional long form path towards enlightenment.  You can augment and speed it up with mother earth’s medicine.  We can share some ways that you can mindfully add these in.

open your heart and soul to look within.

The safest and easiest entrance is microdosing mushrooms.  Taking a small amount every few days or a couple times a week will help you begin to open your heart and soul to look within.  Occasional macro doses of psilocybin can also be quite beneficial but make sure to wade into the waters mindfully and at your own pace.

To get to the light you have to be willing to wade through the dark first.

There are many ways to go from here. Some of the other psychedelics/medicne you can work with are.   LSD,  Ketamine, NN DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, ibogaine, 5meo DMT and a host of others. Each of these has different benefits towards going within. To get to the light you have to be willing to wade through the dark first.  This path is not for the light of heart it is for someone who truly wants change and yearns to know themselves. Psychedelics are the truth serum for the human soul and allow most people to go deeper into their own consciousness and the human experience. 

Be Mindful

Please do your own research and be as mindful as possible when using these medicines.

Here is a more detailed list of some other modalities to go within. 

Individual Methods:

 1.      Meditation Practices:
        •       Mindfulness meditation
        •       Loving-kindness meditation
        •       Transcendental meditation
2.      Contemplative Practices:
        •       Reflective journaling
        •       Contemplation of philosophical or spiritual texts
        •       Self-inquiry and introspection
3.      Physical Disciplines:
        •       Yoga and its various branches (Hatha, Ashtanga,Kundalini, etc.)
        •       Tai Chi and Qigong
        •       Breathwork and pranayama exercises
4.      Mind-Body Connection:
        •       Somatic experiencing
        •       Biofeedback techniques
        •       Practices aligning movement with breath
5.      Psycho-Spiritual Approaches:
        •       Jungian psychology
        •       Holotropic breathwork
        •       Integrating psychology with spirituality

Group Methods:

1.      Community and Sangha:
        •       Joining spiritual or philosophical groups
        •       Participating in community service
        •       Engaging in shared rituals and ceremonies
2.      Educational Forums:
        •       Attending lectures and workshops
        •       Joining study groups
        •       Online courses on spiritual or philosophical topics
3.      Retreats and Workshops:
        •       Residential meditation or spiritual retreats
        •       Intensive workshops focused on self-discovery
        •       Immersive experiences with spiritual teachers
4.      Group Meditation Practices:
        •       Group mindfulness sessions
        •       Guided meditation classes
        •       Chanting and mantra groups

Other Ways:

1.      Nature Connection:
        •       Forest bathing and nature walks
        •       Ecopsychology practices
        •       Connecting with natural cycles and rhythms
2.      Artistic Expression:
        •       Creative writing for self-expression
        •       Visual arts as a form of meditation
        •       Incorporating art into spiritual rituals
3.      Travel and Cultural Exploration:
        •       Pilgrimages to sacred sites
        •       Immersing in diverse cultural practices
        •       Learning from different wisdom traditions
4.      Mindful Lifestyle Choices:
        •       Conscious eating and nutrition
        •       Minimalism and simplicity practices
        •       Mindful consumption and ethical choices

The Path is you

The path to enlightenment is unique to each of us, and a holistic approach often involves a combination of these methods tailored to individual preferences and needs.