

What is manifesting, and how do we journey towards the mindful state of turning our dreams into reality?

Clearly Defined

Manifesting is the art of bringing your dreams into tangible reality.  A successful practice involves many facets that when compounded, bring more and more strength to the results. It involves knowing clearly what you want to manifest and the qualities you want to experience in that new reality. 

Unwavering Conviction

A manifesting practice begins with our belief. You must believe in it wholeheartedly, with unwavering conviction. Any hint of doubt can nullify the potential for altering the reality around you. By replacing limiting beliefs with empowering states of mindfulness, you can transform your reality. Once you truly believe, you can create a new paradigm for yourself.

The Golden Rule is the path away from fate and toward Destiny.

It's essential to know exactly what you wish to manifest. Manifesting transcends the law of attraction—it's not merely about acquiring more money, power, or material items. It's most effective when based on love, with the altruistic desire to improve the universe. When your desires align with your true self, your dreams will gravitate towards you with magnified intent. Everything meant for you will find its way, and the unnecessary will fall away.

Unbridled imagination

Imagination and vision are your vehicles for change; seeing your new reality within your mind's eye is crucial. The mind cannot differentiate between a vividly imagined future and actual actions. In fact, research involving brain scans has shown that physical and mental rehearsals activate similar neural pathways and have a nearly identical effect on learning and proficiency.

engage all senses in the imaginative experience

It is crucial to paint a detailed vision in your mind's eye and believe it has already happened; this convinces your brain to accept this as your new reality. The brain learns through repetition, so repeatedly envisioning this scenario will reinforce your new reality within the universal energy field. Engaging all your senses in visualization amplifies its power. When you hear, see, smell, and feel your vision, your neuroplasticity significantly increases. Each sense contributes to wiring your new reality. Emotionally feeling your vision as if it has already occurred is also paramount, reinforcing that your brain does not see a difference.

Empathy is key

Manifesting involves more than just the mind; it requires the heart too. The mind's intentional electrical charge combined with the heart's magnetic charge work synergistically. This coherence between heart and brain allows us to step into our envisioned future.


While manifesting may appear future-focused, the entire process actually unfolds in the present moment. Dwelling on past regrets or future anxieties can hinder your ability to manifest. Manifestation requires a positive mindset, rooted in gratitude and love. Living in the moment and releasing anxiety, worry, and doubt are essential. Manifesting from ego, often rooted in material desires, is generally ineffective. Instead, delve deeper into love, and your vision will flourish.

Single point focus

Transform everything within you and around you. Eliminate negative influences in your life and surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you. Clear away the doubts and negativity that obstruct your ability to change the energetic field of possibilities. Strive for two mental states to facilitate these changes: Mindshun or Buddhist "no mind," a state of total present awareness devoid of thought, and single-point focus, which sharpens your awareness on one intent while remaining in the present.

Sharing your goals and intentions with a supportive community or like-minded individuals can amplify your efforts. The collective energy and encouragement can help reinforce your belief and bring more resources and opportunities aligned with your goals.  It’s also important to take concrete steps towards your goals. This shows the universe your commitment and can accelerate the manifestation process.

Let go

Optimal times for manifesting include just after waking up or before sleeping when the mind often resides in the theta brainwave state, conducive to manifesting. The moments following yoga during savasana, or while meditating, are also potent, as a stilled mind and body enhance your focus.

As you embark on your manifesting journey, it’s important to periodically reflect on your progress, reassess your desires, and make necessary adjustments. This ensures that your manifesting efforts remain aligned with your evolving goals and life circumstances.

While all this may seem daunting, integrating more elements of this approach will enhance the power and reality of your manifesting efforts. Finally, it's crucial to let go and trust the universe to fulfill your dreams perfectly. Step aside and allow it to unfold. You are one with the universe, which is your true self.


